Safeguarding our musicians

SCMT Music Tuition is committed to the safeguarding our musicians, as we care and nurture our whole community of teachers and students.  We recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and we aim to protect every person in our care.

Our staff are committed to implementing thorough risk assessments and following up immediately on any safeguarding concerns.  Risk assessments are in place for every student/teacher relationship.

We carefully select and train all those in a position of trust.  Every person working or volunteering at SCMT has an up to date, fully enhanced DBS check on file and is fully informed regarding the safeguarding of our musicians in all of our music hub locations.

Susanna Cassam will respond immediately and in full to any safeguarding concerns.  We will co-operate fully with external agencies, and will thoroughly investigate on behalf of tutors, students and the wider community.

We review our policies annually to ensure there are no instances where any member of our music community could be put at risk.  

If you would like more information on our policies for safeguarding our musicians, please contact Susanna Cassam directly at [email protected] and she will send you more details.

Thank you.