
For Anthony. This parent says…

Anthony has boundless enthusiasm for music and for exciting his students on their musical journey. Martha adores him and looks forward to her lessons because she knows they will be fun, her progress will be praised and she will be given things to work on before the next week. Now Martha is a very busy 8 year old and doesn’t always practise as much as she should but she never wants to disappoint Anthony. He has a lovely rapport with Martha. They laugh a lot – something that is crucial when you’re having a go at something you find quite tricky. She likes the way he will be inventive and accompanies her playing with a funky flair – bringing the music alive and making the likes of ‘Horsey Horsey’ cool and grown up. The lessons are always weekly and Anthony does this best to reschedule any missed ones. Friendly, polite and professional?! In bucket loads!