
For Jack. This parent says…

Prompted feedback….

How well does your tutor demonstrate the following:

1. Dedication to a pupil’s progress on their instrument
Spike and I are very impressed by Jack’s enthusiasm and dedication. He really cares about our progress and our enjoyment of the instrument.

2. Inspired and engaging teaching methods
Excellent. In this regard, he is definitely the best teacher we have had. Spike is really keen to practice his piano now, which wasn’t always the case.

3. Good time keeping
Jack would be the first to admit that this hasn’t been great. But to be fair to him, he has a long way to come to our lesson (we just moved house further out of town) and he is generous with his time when here.

4. Good rapport with pupils
Excellent. Really friendly, fun, kind and caring.

5. On-going regularity of lessons
We have established a very good weekly routine.

6. Friendly, polite, professional attitude
Yes, all excellent.