Ramona – Piano and singing teacher

Ramona studied piano at the national music school, high school and then National Music University in Bucharest, specialising in piano, singing and music pedagogy.  Later on she found her passion for jazz music and graduated with a Masters in Jazz and Pop music at the National Music University Bucharest in 2011.

During university Ramona started to teach piano and singing at prestigious schools like the Academy of Performing Arts Bucharest, Boem Club and Stage Academy by Lora.  She always loves to see her students fully blossom and has entered many into national and international competitions.

Aside from working at SCMT, Ramona is a singing teacher at Stagecoach in Summertown, Oxford.  She can teach piano or singing lessons in your home in Oxford, or in Witney (OX28) where she has a home studio.  She has spaces in the daytime and limited options after school/weekends, for all ages and abilities.